*coming up next~~sentosa trip!!!
*coming up next~~sentosa trip!!!
dinner of the day.chinatown foodcourt~~nasi lemak with a chicken wing only $ 2, chicken rice $ 2.50
* will upload more photos tomorow!!!
*thanks for the dinner!!!*hugs*
thanks sking :p
~birthday cake
*thanks everyone for celebrating my birthday throughout the week!!!
family+ buddies + friends= big *hugs* + *kiss* from me to you guys!!!
-huitheng will be going to Singapore tomorrow and countdown at Orchard Road to celebrate the coming of Christmas 2008!!!what about dragonfly in Singapore??i got big big plan going when i'm in s'pore! THE NIGHT IS STILL YOUNG
>enjoy reading my blog!
*is the left stall !!!" Fook Gei"- hak kar mee
well...is an empty bowl!!sorry..i was too hungry to finish off the noddle!!