Monday, May 17, 2010

K3G & Cyber Volunteers Launch!

I was invited by Michael Teoh to attend this cyber volunteer at Lake Club Putrajaya on last two weeks. At first, I was pretty shocked when i was told to attend this event as I was kinda vague but yet i know it's going to a great opportunity and initiative.

Well, the whole event was no doubt a success and we even received a cordial greeting from Deputy Ministry of Higher Education. Like i said, this cyber volunteers program is launched by YB Dato' Saifuddin Abdullah (Timbalan Menteri Pengajian Tinggi) and the previous blog posts (K3G) that you have seen in my blog are actually part of the cyber volunteers' program.

Back to the Cyber Volunteers' launching, we also had a teh-tarik session with Dato' Saifudin and i just realized we actually have the same interest in sport which is basketball. It's sounds pretty cool isn't it?? haha..

Cyber Volunteers Roxx!!!

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